
Thursday, January 2, 2014

TLV Abridged: Scene 5 - Flying - Part 3

Rudolph: Good job.

Tony: Thanks, dude.

Rudolph: (inner monologue) Those are Tony's parents, and I can tell one wants nothing to do with him even though he's important to the plot. He thinks. I almost feel bad for him.

Tony: What's wrong, dude?

Rudolph: *hiding tears* Nothing. I've got to go.

Tony: What's the rush?

Rudolph: I kind of need to get home. My parents are such worry worts when it comes to my wandering off.

Tony: Okay, I got it.

Rudolph: Well, maybe I'll see you around.

Tony: You can stay. I kind of want you, too, anyway, and besides, there's that vampire hunter outside.

Rudolph: Rookery's here?

Rudolph: Oh, you're right.

Rudolph: Alright, what to sleep in, what to sleep in...

Rudolph: Ooo, this is perfect.

Rudolph: What's all this stuff.
Tony: It's just a bunch of junk.

Rudolph: I haven't seen all this in one place in all my undead days. Look at all this!

*Holy product placement, Batman.*

Tony: I don't have a use for a lot of it.

Rudolph: What's this?

Rudolph: (almost actual dialogue) Can I play with this thing?

Tony: It's a Nintendo, and you can play with it so long as you don't break it. My dad'd kill me.

Rudolph: *is pushing random buttons*

*More product placement*

Rudolph: So how did you come by all this stuff in the first place? Your parents must be rich.

Tony: Actually they're Christmas presents. I can't get rid of 'em 'cause that's rude, but I really don't want them.
Rudolph: Oh. How stupid of me.

Tony: (does it need mentioning?) Duh!

Rudolph: I'd really appreciate it if you didn't talk to me that way.

Tony: Duh's a word we say when someone says something stupid.

Rudolph: *is contemplating killing Tony*

Tony: Besides, it's getting late. One of my parents might come to check on me in a bit after they're good and drunk, and I don't want it to look like someone broke in and tried to do bad things to me. I don't want you to get hurt, is all.

Rudolph: Alright, I appreciate that.

Tony:'s missing something...

Tony: Oh, yes.

Rudolph: (inner dialogue) I haven't rested my head on a pillow in ages. I sure hope I don't get used to mooching off this kid.
Tony: I heard that.

Rudolph: Sorry. I didn't realize...
Tony: It's okay. Besides, I only need one.

Rudolph: I'll see you tomorrow night. I'm not quite sure under what circumstances, but I'm pretty sure I will see you.

Tony: Sweet. You sleep here tonight, okay?

Rudolph: Is this a bad time to tell you I'm a little claustrophobic?

Rudolph: I guess so. How about you stay up for a little while and talk me to sleep.

Tony: Sure, dude.

Tony: So where do you wanna start?

Rudolph: There's something I'm rather curious about.

*Foot cues camera.*

Tony: What?

Rudolph: Why are you so lonely that you're willing to declare the vampire that nearly killed you your best friend?
Tony: You also saved my life, dude. And besides, it's not like anyone else likes me.

Rudolph: How do you know I like you?

Rudolph: Actually, I think I can guess.
Tony: I was gonna say because you actually talked to me.
Rudolph: Oh.

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