
Friday, February 7, 2014

TLV Abridged: Scene 12 - Family History - Part 3

McAshton: The portrait gallery is right this way.
Rookery: Looks like no one will hear you scream.

McAshton: What was that?
Rookery: Oh, nothing, my lord.

Tony: I knew my really sloppy sneaking around skills would come in handy someday!

McAshton: It's still here. Jesus Christ I need to get that thing moved.

Elizabeth's Portrait: I'm watchin' you, Lord McAshton.

McAshton: There it is, the ghost. It's been haunting this family for ages.
Rookery: (to himself) What is this guy talking about?

McAshton: The portrait talks, and sometimes spirits move it throughout the house, and...
Rookery: What's that around her neck?

McAshton: No! It'll fall on you and try to spear you with something!

Rookery: (in a trance) Trust me, my lord. I know what I'm doing.

Elizabeth's Portrait: You keep talking, Rookery, but I dare you to come anywhere near my Von.

Rookery: (in a trance) Talk I shall, then.

Rookery: Tell me about this woman, McAshton.

McAshton: Have you run mad?
Rookery: I insist.

McAshton: Very well. (actual dialogue) She saw a ship foundered on the rocks, though there'd been no storm. No sign of life, no crew, save one, who crawled ashore injured. But he was no mortal man.

Tony: Oh, my God, this dude has no idea what movie he's in.

Rookery: Of course he wasn't mortal. You said it yourself. She took up with a vampire. Those were your exact words, yes?

Rookery: The vampire's name was Sackville-Bagg. Von Sackville-Bagg.
McAshton: *has no idea what to do with the James Bond reference*

Rookery: Now tell me where she's buried.
McAshton: B-b-beg...Beg pardon?

Rookery: I want to know where she's buried.
McAshton: You want to exhume her?
Rookery: Precisely.

Elizabeth's Portrait: I hope you're taking notes, sympathizer.

McAshton: Well...why?
Rookery: She has something I want.

Rookery: She doesn't look like the sort of woman I'd want roaming the earth as a vampire, though. She's quite severe-looking.
McAshton: Hmm, you've got a point there.

Elizabeth's Portrait: You don't know the meaning of the word severe.

Rookery: Now let's find out definitively whether or not she and her vampire lover are out sucking the blood of humans, shall we.

Tony: Time to move.

Rookery: Nice hedges.
McAshton: Thank you.

Tony: Damn, those guys walk fast.

Tony: Oh, snap, I'm in trouble!

Nigel: Oh, God! Cousin Itt!

*totes just realized he called who he believes is the Lord of the Underworld and the master of all vampires Cousin Itt*

*screams of shock and terror*

*war cry*

Nigel and Flint: Muuuuuuuummmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Tony: You two punks are in my way.

Flint: We're screwed.

Tony: *hiss*

Nigel: Oh, my God, he has actual vampire teeth!
Flint: Daywalker?

Tony: Okay, you two need to shut the hell up.

Tony: And get out of my sight!

Flint: Of course, of course!

Flint: We're leaving!

Tony: On your knees!

Tony: Okay, back to work.

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