
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Vampire Characteristics

A list of characteristics organized by Appearance, Weaknesses, Supernatural Powers, Reproduction and Feeding, and Setting Characteristics. The full table is on Wikipedia and details everything from folklore to Twilight, but for purposes of the blog, all that will be listed here is what pertains to The Little Vampire specifically.


The Little Vampire (1985 Series): pale, with fangs, reflection, and shadow, are alluring (no mention of whether they appear on film or not)

The Little Vampire (2000 Movie): pale, with fangs, reflection, and shadow, are alluring (again, no mention of film)


The Little Vampire: stakes are fatal, sunlight is fatal, decapitation, drowning has no effect, fire, silver and garlic have no effect (garlic probably just smells awful to the enhanced olfactory system), holy water, can cross running water, can enter homes uninvited, are not obsessed with numbers and needing to count things

Supernatural Powers:

The Little Vampire: are immortal, have enhanced strength, senses, and speed, have unnatural healing abilities, can fly and shapeshift, have psychic powers, are telekinetic, are not pyrokinetic (cannot control fire), can climb anything and occasionally hang from the ceiling to sleep

Reproduction and Feeding:

The Little Vampire: infertile, biting turns victim into mindless vampire, do not reproduce by transfusion, reproduce via having the victim drink vampire blood after being bitten (which implies that vampires actually have blood), are not inhabited by demons, no notes on diet or effects on their victims, though here it should be noted that they subsist on cows and in the movie, their bites do have the effect of (slowly) turning their victims into vampires, mindless or otherwise

Setting Characteristics:

The Little Vampire: no known progenitor, source is a magical amulet formed from a piece of the Comet of the Lost Souls which was apparently used to turn them into vampires (implied by Wikipedia, not me, not the movie), no Dracula or other supernatural creatures seen (though one of the books is titled The Little Vampire Meets Dracula; I'd have to read it, though, to see if little Rudiger is watching a movie, reading the book, or meeting the vampire in the flesh), can have non-vampire lovers, do not rest exclusively in coffins ("Just as long as the sun can't find me." --Rudolph), nothing on any society or organizations, hidden from the human world

1 comment:

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