
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Little Vampire Abridged

Plans are underway to abridge The Little Vampire, following the example of daesgatling over at Once Upon a Time Abridged, which means that soon, I will be capping and writing away. I suppose I should preface now that I don't own the movie (except on DVD), the characters, the movie's concept, or anything really but my own speculation-rich headcanons, available for reading throughout the blog. The words the characters say will be my own creation, which means that very likely they will sound OOC (out of character). I will try to retain their original personalities as much as possible, but given this is an abridged series in the vein of the aforementioned, the characters will also be aware of their roles in the plot, various plot holes, and other story-related oddities that crop up (because much as I love this movie, and in spite of the nostalgia effect, I notice these things, and I notice them especially when I have to pay attention to the movie by going through it piece by piece for a recent related fanfic project). Following the format of daesgatling, this means the movie stills won't be mine, either, though I will be going on a scene-by-scene basis rather than episode by episode.

So in sum, I own nothing but the dialogue I will use. Just to cover my own backside as I go into TLV Abridged.

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