- The conversation between Dottie and Tony has been altered from its version in the script. Hightlights:
- Tony IFC initially states that he has had a nightmare the night before, as if it's an automatic response, and then corrects himself literally five seconds later.
- Dottie also drops a few more motherly lines as she leaves, namely "Come on, get up. It's time to go to school."
- Farmer McLaughlin discovering one of his cows being missing appears later IFC, popping up after Tony says he "could eat a cow."
- I didn't realize this before this year, but the McAshton kids do, in fact, call Tony "Vampy" and "wimpy" respectively, but they are so low they can barely be heard.
- Tony's insult is longer in the script. IFC he just sticks with "Outta my way, losers."
- The biggest thing in the latter half of the scene is that Dottie's and Rudolph's positioning with respect to each other is different from script to screen. Dottie is more at the head of the bed, and Rudolph at the foot. She is not close enough for him to notice the veins of her calf as described in the script. The other thing is that Dottie IFC swaps out "Any friend of yours is a friend of mine" for a remark about Rudolph's funny scent (a call-back to the moment in "Flying" when all three adults are distracted by the unusual scent in Tony's room (Rudolph is in the corner on the ceiling), a scent which Tony doesn't seem to notice. Here it's justified in that his nose is plugged by tissues).
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Discrepancies and Curiosities - Part 6
Scene 6 - "Not Monsters"
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