
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Characters With Only a Few Lines (or None)

By this, I'm referring to Von and Elizabeth, though there are other characters in the movie that could fall into this category as well, such as the caretaker (who doesn't even get a name), and Tony's teacher, Mr. Boggins. The McAshton boys have slightly more lines than these two, so belong to more of a "minor character" level.

Von Sackville-Bagg

Von is my personal enigma (if you know nothing else about me, I obsess over Von more than I crush on Gregory). He's the one that speaks up when the Stone of Attamon is in danger, and he's the one that dives to catch it. He also turns a woman into a vampire (he probably intended to kill her) because she got too curious. But besides being highly protective of the stone, what is he like? He has a tenor voice, which suggests to me that he is gentle by nature, and given that he tries to hold off the hunters while Elizabeth escapes with the amulet, I'd guess he's protective of the people he loves, as well. In general, he sounds like the greatest uncle in the world, and it's a shame we don't see enough of him to make a more definitive call on this.

Elizabeth Sackville-Bagg nee McAshton

This woman does not speak at all, but it's because of her that we have the plot to the movie in the first place. She's the reason the stone is in Tony's room, which triggers his powers and suddenly enslaves him to such compulsions as telling God and the free world what he dreamed about the night before. She's the woman that gets too curious about the stone, and perhaps because of Von's morals, or because he fell in love with her, or both, he didn't kill her right off but instead let her turn into a vampire. But not a lot can be said about her character-wise. She has the sense of duty to her husband drilled into her such that she takes up his cause of protecting the stone, and she is generally a good person, looking to keep an injured, lost, lone man warm and look out for him that way, I guess. But beyond that, what can we say? We don't know how she heard of Von, if she fell in love with him when she heard he was handsome (don't get me wrong, he is), if she heard simply that he was an injured man in need of help and she wanted to help him, none of that. Tony's visions follow the path of the stone because that's what the vampires are looking for, so we don't see Elizabeth's life or actions before this. We don't even get to hear her speak. We couldn't guess how integral she is to the plot as we know it from the part she has in the final cut, which is essentially that of an extra.

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